
HandCannon is the strongest weapon of all magnum pistol revolver magnum on resident evil 4 because it has a very strong firepower and if the tune up of exclusive, will have infinite bullets ..

how to get HandCannon is by completing mini games mercenaries to five stars in every place / stage in all the characters, then we have to play 20 time ....
but the characters do not come just like that, we have to finish each stage with a 4 star for one character, and the place that should be completed are:
-Leon S Keneddy = been there from the beginning
-The Village = Ada Wong
-The Castle = Jack Krauser
- War Zone = Hunk
- Waterworld = Albert Wesker

of all the stage is easy, except waterworld because we have to kill Super Salvador is very strong and will continue to pursue us if we do not run away or kill him ..

nah I'll tell how to kill Super Salvador with ease, but still had to do everything it can to kill ...

* Leon S Keneddy = how to kill Super Salvador Leon S Keneddy use is to use the Riot gun, after using the Riot Gun, Shoot Super Salvador's head, he would memegak head, well that's when we have to figure it continuously, after he regained consciousness, shoot again head, do it repeatedly until he died ....

sorry, no photos ;)

* Ada Wong = how to kill Super Salvador using Ada Wong is using Riffle Semi-auto owned by Ada, and shoot using a weapon continuously ...

* Jack Krauser = how to kill Super Salvador using Jack Krauser's really easy, simply by using hand movements Krauser, Tepapi not rule out the possibility that it was easy, because usually we fight 2 Super Salvador, when we met with salvador second, we have to run and wait until Krauser can function mutations hand back ...

* Hunk = how to kill Super Salvador using Hunk is menggukanak Hand Grenade, we have to use about 3 hand grenade, hand grenade if supplies run out, we have to look for it by destroying the wooden boxes or barrels and kill Ganados ... of all the characters is the most difficult, I might almost 8 times trying to resolve the character Hunk in waterworld, but could not, and that I am trying to 9 seriously and carefully until I win ...

* Albert Wesker = how to kill Super Salvador using Albert Wesker is to use a weapon Killer 7, I do not need to know how give as live firing wrote ...

well if you've won the Mercenaries mini-games, we've been able to get HandCannon

HandCannon starting price is $ 0, but it's not perfect, and should be in the upgrade / tune up of exclusive with very very very very expensive to get a bullet that unlimited firepower and a high

and this is the price list HandCannon

- LEVEL 2-40000
- LEVEL 3-50000
- LEVEL 4-70000
- LEVEL 5-90000
- LEVEL 6-120000

Reloading TIME:
- LEVEL 2-25000
- LEVEL 3-50000

- LEVEL 2-15000
- LEVEL 3-20000
- LEVEL 4-25000
- LEVEL 5-35000
- LEVEL 6-50000


That's part of my knowledge, hopefully can be useful for all readers ...