Rocket Launcher

-Rocket Launcher (SPECIAL)

Rocket Launcher (special) is a very suitable weapon to kill the boss in Resident Evil 4, this weapon is a weapon found at the last chapter in the fight against Osmund Saddler

This weapon is given By Ada Wong, and this weapon can kill Saddler in one shot .. unfortunately this weapon only has one bullet, and found only one time in a single game

and if you kill Saddler without the use of this weapon, you can keep it, and if you play your save data, then you will get a special rocket launcher, and you can sell it to the merchant ..

-Rocket Launcher (RPG-7)

rocket launcher is a weapon that can kill a boss or Ganados in one shot, only one bullet capacity as special rocket launcher ...

-Infinity Launcher

I think this gun is the best of all weapons rocket launcher because it has infinite ammo capacity, so we can use our liking, how to get it is to complete a good game easy, normal, and pro ... you will get along with matilda ....

I hope this blog useful for all readers ... ^. ^