Steyr TMP (Tactical Machine Pistol)

Steyr TMP or what we call the TMP is a sub machine gun pistol shaped and very simple but it has a high capacity and firepower ... The dominant use of arms is Ada Wong ...

using TMP if not using stock very unwell, because of it I suggest using stock TMP, TMP in Resident evil 4 is actually only suitable for fighting Ganados, if you want to fight high-level Ganados (boss) should use the weapons fire power greater powernya of TMP, such as Killer 7, Broken Butterfly, Riffle Semi auto, etc ....

TMP is a list of upgrades:

Firepower Level (Cost) Firing speed (Cost) Reload speed (Cost) Capacity
1 0.4 (0) (1-2:1) 0.10 2.37 30
2 0.5 (7.000) N / A 1.93 (5.000) 50
3 0.6 (14.000) N / A 1:17 (15,000) 100
4 0.8 (18,000) N / A N / A 150 (20,000)
5 1.0 (24,000) N / A N / A 200 (25,000)
6 1.2 (35,000) N / A N / A 250 (35,000)

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